Arkiv for juli, 2014
2014 The World Drug Report: The Titanic sails at dawn – IDPC 1. juli 2014.
Posted on på 3. juli 20142014 The World Drug Report: The Titanic sails at dawn As it its customary practice, the UNODC released its flagship publication on June 26th, the UN’s designated ‚International day against drug abuse […] -
DR Netradio Orientering – Reportage af: Simon Stefanski, „Kampen mod krigen mod stoffer‟,
Posted on på 1. juli 2014Start radio reportagen her 16:21 Kampen mod krigen mod stoffer Sidste år forsøgte en international organisation at sætte en ny dagsorden for snak om euforiserende stoffer – fra heroin til hash. […]
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