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Remembrance Day 2014 – Copenhagen – a video report by Igor Kouzmenko At July 21st. the international Remembrance Day, more than 100 people met at the Memorial site of deceased drug users in Copenhagen – to listen to speeches by Guy […]

2014-07-21 18.32.13

2014-07-21 19.14.24At July 21st. the international Remembrance Day, more than 100 people met at the Memorial site of deceased drug users in Copenhagen – to listen to speeches by Guy Pierre Levesque, Mette Gramstrup, poem reader Kuki, Charlie Campari sang his “My three horses” – and we held a minute of silence and finally we all sang the old Danish freedom fighter song: “Altid frejdig når du går”

– 210 colourful flowers were planted to symbolize the same number of fatal overdoses in 2012 – the last statistical number released by; Rigspolitiet.

It was a solemn but also cosy celebration – and we thank all participants for sharing their time with us. And we hope everyone will be back in 2015.